UltraStar comes preloaded with a short sample from Nine Inch Nails hit "Discipline" from The Slip album. Optionally a cover image, a backdrop image and a video may be added to each song. To add a song to UltraStar, a file with notes and lyrics is required, together with an audio file.

UltraStar allows several people to play simultaneously by connecting several microphones possibly to several sound cards. On top of the correct notes UltraStar displays the pitch recorded from the players. UltraStar displays lyrics as well as the correct notes similar to a piano roll. UltraStar lets one or several players score points by singing along to a song or music video and match the pitch of the original song. UltraStar is a clone of SingStar, a music video game by Polish developer Patryk "Covus5" Cebula. Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X ( Intel-based only)